It's the launch of my Paint The Word blog! Check it out, you can click on the link under my favorite sites just to the right where you see the link for Paint The Word. I had some fun creating a new art piece, because I wanted to get a little more creative! I will also post some of the verses I have already done, and if any of you would like to spruce up your home for Spring...give me a buzz!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I Love You Grandma!
I love my Grandma. I know you all do, but I just had to tell you a little about her. She just got home from the hospital a couple of weeks ago, and is adjusting to life with some help. She is 92 years old and has been living on her own for 30+ years! I think she just stopped mowing her own lawn just a few short years ago.
Anyway, she has had some health problems as of late, and it's been very tough. I not only have been feeling my age, but also that our Grandparents...and she's only 1 of 3 I have left, are getting older too. I know that all of this is part of life, but it sure is sad and hard.
I just wanted to tell you what a strong woman she is. Her husband died when she was not too much older than I am now. She raised her two sons, one of which is my dad, and the other my Uncle. She used to come to our house every week and clean, do all our laundry, and change all of our beds. So, yes I was a spoiled little kid. I can't believe I ever whined about doing chores! Except, my parents did make us pick up dog poo...which for 3 American Bulldogs, my allowance should have been like $100! ;)
She is a total blessing to me. We have rarely missed a Thanksgiving at her house. Now that I have kids, and cousins have some's pretty interesting. Thanks to my Aunt and Uncle who every year force a "new and interesting" present upon my Grandma. One year was a toaster oven, new chair, VCR, cable, and now this year a DVD player. My Grandma never really wanted any of it, but I tell ya, it makes life a little easier! Because of my Grandma, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I just know I will cry so hard when the torch gets passed.
As we got older, and moved away, she still made it a point to come up and see us here in Portland. As it's gotten harder for her to travel, we need to make a concerted effort to go to her. She has done so much for us, and it's a sad thing that you never show appreciation until you've hit some semblance of maturity...which for me took a bit! But, I am so grateful, so blessed, and so in awe of the strength that she exudes.
I love you Grandma, Great-Grandma, and now a Great-Great Grandma! My life would not be what it is without your love, at 13 tough, now at 30 gentle and sweet. You mean the world to me. I can't wait to see you soon.
Posted by AshlandFive at 2:40 PM 2 comments
He is Risen...He is Risen Indeed!
We had such a great time with our friends The Hildreths (Ty, Shana, Ean and Evan) and The Eglis (Greg, Sherry, Brooklyn, and Ben). It was such a great day after Kutless and burgers, then a quick break to Starbucks, and then home again to cook up some yummy dinner. I seriously don't think I was even hungry once that day!
I truly I sat there stuffing my face and rocking out to Kutless on the bleachers, that it was a glimpse into life in heaven. I was surrounded by all my church fam, rocking out to some of the best Jesus music around, and stuffing my face full of meat! Ok, did I just gross you out on that last part? Sorry to all you vegetarians who are like, "No, that's not how it will be in heaven! Maybe a fried eggplant or two!" Anyway, it was really truly a blessing.
Thanks to our friends who came over and had some great fellowship and shared a great meal with us. Sherry tried to make us all explode internally, (what is it with me and the gross descriptors), with her super deliciously rich chocolate cake. Oh man. It was neat making the resurrection rolls with the kids, although trying to get through Bible verses to explain what you are doing with this sugar laden dessert is a bit rough with 7 kids licking their chops! It was great though. I earned a greater respect for the Illinois Valley thanks to Greg...ask him about it sometime. ;) And, you can always count on Ty and Shana for some serious laughs!
So, if you get a call from me in the near future's because I really feel a calling to come together as a church body and make time in our busy lives for each other. I know it's hard...believe me, three kids don't make it easy. But, it takes just a little effort, and making time to see to it that we encourage, build up, and love on one another. So, who wants to come over for dinner? I'm takin' reservations!

Posted by AshlandFive at 1:25 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Girl's Weekend!
So a couple of weekends ago, my friend Kristal and I got to go on a girl's weekend courtesy of Taylor's last remaining Hilton Honors points. He was so nice to let us use all of them to stay in Eugene for the weekend. Now I know many of you are thinking "Eugene? What a weird place to have a girl's weekend!" Seriously, it's fun. We don't do anything special. We hang out in our hotel room, then go to dinner, catch the...darn now it's $1.50 movies. The next day you can find us in my very favorite store the Buffalo Exchange, some fun lunch, back to the hotel to relax for a catnap, then off to a nice dinner, and maybe a little more shopping! Sunday we were able to go to a Calvary Church in Eugene. My friend Christina Parker and her family go there, and it is such a warm church so full of the Lord!
I was so thankful to my wonderful husband for letting me get away. Time always flies when you are having fun! I again get to go away with some girls for my big 3-0 celebration/retreating with the Lord. I can't wait. It may sound like, by this blog that all I want to do is get away. Some days, yes. With my 6,4, and 2 year old, life has been so hectic lately. I have found that every so often if I catch my helps all involved. :) Keeps a smile on my face, ya know?
But, I do enjoy being here too. Tonight was nice with the kids. They all took a late nap, because today was too nice to pass up going outside! We got some pizza, cooked some yummy choco chip cookies that Jessie made. By the way Jessie, YUM-O! And, watched the 10 commandments. It was nice to just hang out with them today.
So, sorry for blabbing. I am a psycho and it's almost 3am. What am I doing? Well, I am a self-confessed night owl...and I have a problem. ;) I am sure I will read this again someday at a normal hour of the day and ask myself what I was thinking, and why I was going on and on. But for right now, it seems completely normal! tee-hee Well, hope to see most of you tomorrow morning at the Easter Rain-a-bration! If you notice some extra dark bags around the old you know why. Peace!
Posted by AshlandFive at 2:30 AM 4 comments