Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jadon graduated also today from Kindergarten. I admit, I cried a little at the end when she called them 1st graders. Geez! I couldn't believe how fast this year has gone by, and how big my kids are getting. I loved how sweet he looked up there, and the great things Mrs. Sharp had to say about him....ahhh, a Mother's pride. ;)

Moriah's Graduation

Moriah graduated from 2nd grade today. I can't believe it. Here is a little collage I put together from the "stepping stone" ceremony.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I am just testing out mobile blogging!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

We're Moving!

So, we've been praying for awhile about this, and we've decided to make the move down to Southern Oregon. I am originally from there, and a lot of our family is down there. It was a hard decision, because there is nothing to move away from here...we love it here! It was a good time though, with the Lord providing ways for us to pay off debt, and with Taylor's job being movable. The kids are also not at an age where they really care about leaving friends all that much. I know they will miss people, that's why I've told many of you that we'll be crashing your pad from time to time!

I am really looking forward to this opportunity to be obedient to what we feel like the Lord is calling us to do. He's opened up doors for us in each area. We'll be moving after school ends, so most likely the beginning of June.

We will be renting out our house, so if you know a family that is wanting to live in Sherwood, but at this time cannot afford to buy...send them our way!! I love this house, and it's perfect for a family. I am so glad to have my friends here, and I know that the Lord has some new ones for us in a new place. Thanks for your continued prayers that we would listen to the Spirit in this process!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Live It!

My sis found this video, and it was so inspiring. I thought I'd share.