I thought this was so funny, yet so telling of my littlest.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
For Movie Watchers
We have had this great movie filter for a couple years now, and we really are thankful for it! It blocks out nudity/sexual stuff, bad language, and violence. We try to get films that don't already have this, but on the occasion that we happen to get one that has some stuff in it we do not want to hear/see...this is such a great thing to have.
I got this email, and I thought I'd share it:
Dear Friends,
Almost daily we hear from new customers who tell us they learned about ClearPlay from their friends and family. Thank you for your enthusiasm!
In further appreciation, for one weekend only we are running a special online offer where your friends and family can buy a ClearPlay DVD player plus 1 year membership for only $99. This email is the ONLY way we are announcing this offer.
Forward this email to anyone you know who wants to control what they see when they watch a movie at home. Give them the chance to clearplay it. All they have to do is click on the link to place their online order. They will thank you for the ability to enjoy more movies—and enjoy movies more!
The offer expires on Monday December 15th.
Our sales at ClearPlay have NEVER been better! November was a record month and we want to include you and your friends in the celebration with this special offer.
Enjoy the Show!
Don Atkinson
ClearPlay CEO
Posted by AshlandFive at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
This post is for all of you baby mamas, or soon to be who are looking for a cute crib set for the little one. This is very similar to the almost $300 set I bought when Jadon was born. This one, the whole crib set is only $53!! I liked it, because it was unisex, and I kept it for Carmel too. Anyway, it's on sale at Wal-Mart and has lots of accessories to go with it like valance, lamp, rug...etc. I thought I'd pass it on, because I thought it was so darn cute!!
Posted by AshlandFive at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Soccer Queens ;)
So, I started my second season of soccer yesterday, and Shana decided to join me. We had a blast! We kicked tail, but only because the original team had to forfeit because they didn't have enough players. So, the team that played just before us volunteered to play a second game just so we didn't have to go home! ;) It made us feel good to win 6-1 though!
Anyway, I have a blast playing, and I had such fun having Shana go w/me. Look how white I am already!!! So scary. I could have trick-or-treated as Casper. Haha. Shana's a redhead and still tanner than me. Thanks for comin' Shan...maybe will start winning with you on our team!
Posted by AshlandFive at 3:58 PM 4 comments
I had to pay homage to Fall in Sherwood. It's almost over, and every year I kick myself for not getting a memory on film! So, here it is for all of you to see why I love Fall, and especially Fall in Oregon!
Posted by AshlandFive at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Many of you who know me, know I LOVE to worship. This song brings me to tears every time I sing it. If any of you know someone who does worship at Athey...pass this one along, I included chords!
Words & Music By Jason Morant
There's a place where the angels are dancing like children
And it's calling me
G D/F# A
And all the saints, with joyful hearts, are joining in
They're dancing in the streets
G D/F# G
They move with beauty, they move with grace
A Bm
As they celebrate the coming day
G D/F# A
When the lost will be found
G D/F# A
When every knee will hit the ground, and we'll sing
Bm G D/F# A
Holy, Holy is the Lord
Bm G D/F# A
Holy, Holy is the Lord
There’s a place where the children are singing like angels
And it’s calling me
And all the saints, with outstretched arms, are joining in
In the melody
With hearts aflame and voices raised
They will celebrate the day when we’ll sing
Bm G D/F# A
Holy, Holy is the Lord
Together with one voice
Bm G D/F# A
Holy, Holy is the Lord
Let all the earth rejoice
Bm G D/F# A
Holy, there’s no one like You Lord
Magnificent You are
Bm G D/F# A
Holy, Holy is the Lord
G D/F# A Bm
All the walls will crumble down and
G D/F# A
We will at last be one
G D/F# A Bm
As we join the saints and we join the angels
G Em A/C# Bm
Around the throne, we’ll cast our crowns and sing
Posted by AshlandFive at 8:50 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama Nation
While I was doing my best today to pray and be peaceful about the outcome that I was sure, politically was about to be; I still felt a bit of dread and apprehension as to where this country is headed. I saw this today, and I thought it summed up what I need to meditate on until the Lord comes back. Even as I see our country's morals start to slide, I need to remember to pray that the Lord sees His children, and protects our country.
1. We TRUST in the God appoints rulers and leaders over us.
No election takes God by surprise. He puts leaders over us. He is in control. He appoints rulers and kings. God is sovereign and his good purposes will not be thwarted.
2. We PRAY for those who rule over us.
The Apostle Paul’s instruction to us to pray for our leaders is not based on the worthiness of the leader. After all, he was speaking of an empire that sometimes persecuted Christians. No… prayer for our leaders is church-focused. We pray that the Church will have the freedom to be the Church - to witness to the Savior who is coming again.
3. We TESTIFY to the world that God has appointed Jesus as Messiah and Lord over all.
The climax of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost and the startling message of the gospel is that Jesus of Nazareth, crucified for our sins and raised for our justification, is the true Lord of the world. Presidents come and go. Empires rise and fall. Kings and rulers and earthly authorities will pass away. But Jesus Christ is the everlasting King.
Jesus is not elected “king” - at least not by us. God the Father has elected him, has appointed him King of the world and is now calling out a people to live under his reign.
Many evangelicals are wringing their hands about this election, worried about the outcome, scared of what might be in the near future. But if we truly believe what we say we believe - that Jesus Christ is Lord and over all earthly authorities - then the kingship of our Christ is not in question, the sovereignty of our God is not under threat, and our highest loyalty to the kingdom of God is not up for grabs.
Our mission stays the same:
Trust in our sovereign God.
Pray for our earthly leaders.
Testify to the world’s true King.
Posted by AshlandFive at 8:39 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Taylor Turns 34!
Happy Birthday honey. I know you are a secret reader of my blog. (Ok, not secret to me...but to the rest of the world.) I hope you had a fun day yesterday, albeit you had to work. ;) I hope you know how much we appreciate you as a Daddy and Husband. I can't believe you only have 6 more years to 40 though!!! Ahhh, you're sooo old! ;) Just kidding.
I wanted to share with the rest of you some pics from a fun evening last night. The kids had a blast sharing presents with Dad, and helping him blow out his candles. This cake was a serious project, but it was ohhh so worth it!
Posted by AshlandFive at 10:35 AM 3 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Time Stand Still!
I was working on my computer today, enjoying some music...Jadon was in the bathroom doing the stuff that takes men forever (yes, even at 5). And, I realized it was really quiet, so I looked over and saw just the back end of Carmel lying perfectly still. So, I walked over and looked around into the hall, and there was the rest of her; perfectly, serenely, adorably, sound asleep. Ahhhh, be still my heart.
Posted by AshlandFive at 12:16 PM 3 comments
Great Song
This song reminds me that Jesus is still waiting for those who would come to know Him, those who have gone astray, and those who are trying to do it all on their own. I know, I used to be one of those. This song touches my heart, and instantly reminds me to pray for people I love to know Him!
Posted by AshlandFive at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Deal Of The Day
Hey Gals, just wanted to pass on this deal for a free coffee or tea at Barnes and Noble. In case you need to do some shopping, or just want to pop in for a free coffee...here ya go! They also have story times available if you want to take the little ones.
Posted by AshlandFive at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I tried out my new detergent. The consistency is a little weird...I do have to warn you. It's sort of a gel, but watery still, so kind of just a funny mixture of both. I tried it on my hubby's undershirts. Need I say more? ;) They smell great! (Yes, I smelled the armpits.)
I don't know what it would do for whites, (as far as getting them bright) but I think I'll just put an extra 1/2 cup of borax. So, all in all I think it works out great! If you can get over your preconceived notion of what "detergent" is supposed to look like, you'll be fine.
Posted by AshlandFive at 6:07 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
I Did It!
I took Mary Lou's advice, and made my own laundry soap! It was super easy...here's the recipe:
The Recipe
The Ingredients:
1/3 Bar of soap. I used Fels Naptha (Fred Meyer laundry isle)
1/2 cup Washing Soda (also found at Freddies)
1/2 Borax (20 Mule Team also at Freddies)
1/3 bar Fels Naptha or other type of soap, as listed above
½ cup washing soda
½ cup borax powder
~You will also need a small bucket, about 2 gallon size~
Grate the soap and put it in a sauce pan. Add 6 cups water and heat it until the soap melts. Add the washing soda and the borax and stir until it is dissolved. Remove from heat. Pour 4 cups hot water into the bucket. Now add your soap mixture and stir. Now add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of water and stir. Let the soap sit for about 24 hours and it will gel. You use ½ cup per load.
**The cost of making the above recipe of laundry soap was .71 cents. That was amazing to me! With this 2 gallon size recipe you will have enough to do 64 loads of laundry. That translates to about .01 cent a load.** (credit to thefamilyhomestead.com)I will be sure and let you know if the clothes actually get clean. That's the true test. If my family all of a sudden starts stinking, please do not hesitate to tell me, as I will be switching back to the good ol' store brand! ;) Also, this is a low sudsing soap for all of you who like me have an HE machine.
Posted by AshlandFive at 3:09 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Inspired By The Economy
A couple of years ago, we decided to do an experiment on being poor. ;) It's been interesting to say the least! I have had to come up with some serious ways to save money. I know this sounds dumb, but I had never even been to Goodwill to buy something. (Really good stuff, by the way. Especially the one in Tigard.) I needed to change my thinking on things. God needed to change my thinking on things. I was getting waaaay to into worldly things. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things, but they were too important to me.
I am interested, that the economy wants to join in our experiment! Yikes! I don't think any of us are immune from what is going on financially. I am watching Oprah right now, I know...eek! She has a great show on today on living frugally, having debt...oops, and living within our means. It's really hard, I know. We went through the whole Dave Ramsey class, know what we need to do, but still we mess up. I am definitely not perfect. But, I have some small tips that I thought I'd share with you all.
- As much as I wanted to save $, I did not want to shop at some of the "bargain" grocery stores. I spend a little extra time and clip coupons from the free Food Day that comes on Tuesdays. Every once in awhile there is a $10 off coupon in there from Safeway, and you can use all coupons at Albertsons. You can even use the doublers for your manufacturer coupons.
- Make your own cleaning products. I make my own counter cleaner and antibacterial wipes. I bought reusable microfiber floor cloths that I can wash in the washing machine. Here are the recipes for the cleaners:
All-Purpose Cleaner
2T vinegar
1 t Borax
Hot water
a few drops of a mild dish detergent
10 drops of essential oil (scent, like citrus along w/ tea tree, a natural antibacterial)
In a 16 spray bottle put vinegar, borax and hot water. Swish around until borax has dissolved. Add the drops of dish detergent and fill the rest of the bottle with water. Add the essential oils (I like citrus or lavender.)
Homemade Window Cleaner
This one can be made right in your spray bottle.
½ t mild dish detergent
3T vinegar
2 cups water
Put all these ingredients into a spray bottle. Shake this up some and use it just like the commercial variety.
I also did some research after a comment by Mary Lou. I was intrigued at the thought of making my own laundry detergent. I have a high efficiency washer, so I have to use low-sudsing soaps. I found this great website that you can buy some of the raw ingredients. Also, you can buy your essential oils at Whole Foods. Or, I buy some of my stuff online at Essential Wholesale when they are having a sale.
Instructions for Antibactieral Wipes
Things You’ll Need:
- Roll of paper towels
- Water
- Container half the size of a paper towel
- Tight lid
- White Vinegar
- Tea tree oil
- Small bowl
- Step 1:Roll out half of the paper towels, tear apart and then stack them in the container. If you are using regular-sized paper towels, cut them in half with a non-serrated knife.
- Step 2:Mix ¼ cup water, ½ cup vinegar and approximately 10 drops of tea tree oil in a bowl. Tea Tree oil is a natural antibacterial agent which will disinfect the area you are cleaning without using harsh chemicals.
- Step 3:Pour half of the mixture onto the paper towels in the container. Move the paper towels around and allow them to soak up the liquid.
- Step 4:If there is enough room in the container, break apart the other half of the paper towel roll, add the towels to the container and pour the other half of the mixture over the new paper towels.
- Step 5:Place a tight fitting lid on the container and store the towels until you need them.
-I started cutting both my boys' hair. I can give lessons...if any of you are scared to try. I practiced, and am pretty good at it! My hubby lets me "pay" myself for each of their haircuts to save for my own professional cut and color.
- Plan! I make all of my meal plans a week ahead, according to what is on sale. I sit in front of the ads, and plan my shopping. I make sure that we eat proportionately so that the hubby can have leftovers for lunch.
- This is hard for me to do. Do the envelope system. Even if you are wealthy. It helps to keep you accountable with where your money goes. We are all just one step away from losing it all, so don't be lulled into a false sense of security.
-Get your clothes second hand. I do most of my shopping at Buffalo Exchange. You don't have to sacrifice fashion there. They have in style things, and if you have nice things to exchange, you get credit! I also know of a clothing exchange coming up. Girlfriends get together and trade their duds. If you don't know of one, do your own! Just make sure to invite some people your size! ;) I took the kids to Goodwill before school this year. They wear uniforms, so we went and found khaki pants, polo shirts, even regular clothes that were in perfect shape! I also consign their clothes at our local kids consignment store.
-Want something? Go to Craigslist. I really wanted a new Ipod before I ran Hood To Coast, and so I went on Craigslist and found one for $35!
Ok, so that's it on my ideas. Hope it is helpful to some. If you have some ideas, please share in the comments! I hope we can all survive this economic crisis.
Posted by AshlandFive at 3:54 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Women's Retreat at Bradley
I had the pleasure of going to Applegate's Women's Retreat last month and lead some worship with my sis Danelle. It was such a blessing to be at Lake Bradley with seriously a camp full of women I did not know. I love being stretched out of my comfort zone, and get to know people new! We had such a fun time, and it was so beautiful there.
After it was over, my sis was going to haul us to Brookings, all in the name of Clam Chowder! We persuaded her to only go 30 minutes away to a cute little coastal town to eat at the Crazy Norwegian. She was unimpressed; as were we, not by the food, but the service was seriously lacking. I mean seriously.
After lunch we had an impromptu beach stop, where we took some candid shots. I think they turned out pretty hilarious. We even had a free prop in the way of a gigantic dead rotting fish. Mmmmm. Then on our way back we sang, took some pics out the window, ie. the cool rainbow shot! The sun was starting to get pretty low in the sky and there were some shots we wanted to take by this field, but by the time we turned around and parked on the side of this side road, it went behind a cloud. We didn't really pay attention that we were sort of standing on somebody's dirt driveway, because it was really long, and it was a really rural area. But, then we noticed these people across the street in their nightgown and PJ bottoms standing on their porch staring at us. We thought it was so funny; the vision of us with our camera, taking pictures of their neighbor's field. We stayed there a bit, just to make them a bit more nervous. We got to our car though, once we noticed a van coming down the driveway. Once we were in our car, it stopped and just sat in the middle of their dirt road. The PJ people sat and stared at us like we were some secret government agency coming to take secret photos of their property. I ran back across the road...just for good measure, but then my sister told me she didn't want to get abducted and to get back in the car.
I really am 30 people, even though I don't act like it. If you saw my sis and I together, you'd understand our humor a little better. Or, then again, maybe not! So, I just thought I'd explain all these weird pictures, and why they are really funny to me. ;) Thanks Kristal and Nellie for the fun trip, you make me feel like I'm 15 not 30...love it!
Posted by AshlandFive at 9:16 AM 2 comments
Carmel's Birthday!
If you just read that last post, you'll understand why this one is out of order, and way late. (Carmel's birthday was August 28th) Hey, at least I got it in here before December! ;) Thanks Suzanne and kids, minus Phuong who was in Africa, for coming and having fun with us! Thanks Shana and kids, minus Ty, because he was out of town too, we had a blast!
Posted by AshlandFive at 8:51 AM 1 comments
1st Day Of School
I am a slacker Mom. I have had this picture on my camera for weeks, and I noticed all the other "with it" Moms had already posted their cute little first day pics long, long ago. Sad, but my poor kids did not get one of these "with it" Moms. They will have to be satisfied with status quo, because I fear I will always be just barely surviving! Thank the Lord I am surviving though! Anyway, thought I'd post this adorable pic of my cuties going to school, and Carmel, who absolutely could not be left out of the picture.
Posted by AshlandFive at 8:45 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Get Organized!
I just started using this new free organizational website that helps you keep track of all the business of life....sports, school stuff, husband's work stuff, etc. I love it! You can even have it email stuff to your phone if you want to remind yourself of grocery lists, schedules, or appointments. Best of all...ready? IT'S FREE! The really neat thing that I like best is that your husband, or older kids, can get on and put in their schedules too so that everyone knows what's going on. I thought I would share that with some of you, as I have had a hard time getting organized...this really helped!
Posted by AshlandFive at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Date Night...At the Last Minute???
Posted by AshlandFive at 9:14 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Good Movie
This movie looks like it is going to be really good, and something that will be a refreshing change in what is currently out there to watch. It'd be fun to get some babysitters and go as a group of couples when it comes out. Call me if you want to hook up and go out on a group date! ;)
Posted by AshlandFive at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
More Good Reads

This one was so funny, real, and totally relateable! It's about a SAHM who yearns for something more in her life. To be used in a mighty and tangible way by God. She spends moments imagining herself as great heroes in history, but then snaps back to the real life she lives with her three kids, failures to rise to the top of women's leadership at church, and her husband who just lost his job. It all comes crashing down on her, and she doesn't understand why God isn't using her talent to do "Big Things" for Him. It's about her journey to find what God really wants from her, and her many intimate, and sometimes embarrassing road to get there. I think many of you Moms who are tired of the usual, put on your plastic smile and go to church like everything is peachy all the time attitude, may love the reality and truth of what our lives look like as the Lord tries to mold us!

This one, I finished in a day. No, it's not a short read...just shy of 300 pages; but just extremely intense. I stayed up till 3am finishing it, because there was no good place to stop. It begins with a story of a pastor of a MegaChurch who is on a couple's cruise to "stoke the fire of your relationship!" Sound like many of the big show churches popping up today? It has many turns and twists, and profiles so many different lives in this story that you are never bored. The pastor in the end comes to a realization about his life and how he has used it for the Lord, was it all just for show? I can't tell you much about it, without giving away crucial plot info; but I can tell you that last night after I read this I sat and prayed for a long time to the Lord to examine my own life, and He directly spoke to me out of the Word...what we will be studying on Wednesday!!! Matthew 25. The book, if you choose to read it, follows right along to the same message in this chapter.
It caused me to really evaluate how I live my life, and that time is not to be wasted. I loved this story. So well written, so true, and so encouraging to me to constantly be aware of my own walk with Him. "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Philippians 2:12.
Hope to see many of you tonight at the bbq! I am really looking forward to some burgers, fellowship, and worship! Yaaa!
Posted by AshlandFive at 3:48 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thinking Ahead
If many of you are like me, you think ahead. I got all my kids shoes at REI 2 weeks ago when they had their "dirt cheap" sale on all of their Keens, Tevas, Chacos, etc. I got this email from Teva and they are having their Fall clearance now on their mens and womens sandals. If you are an outdoor enthusiast, these are such great deals!!! Happy shopping! (When you click on Mens or Womens, then click on the clearance link to the right)
Posted by AshlandFive at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I thought this was sooo funny, showing the stupidity of our nation. I don't mean YOU...just some of our fellow Americans who are quite honestly many of the people yelling for us to pull out of Iraq now. As a wife to a former Marine, I respect, honor and am beyond grateful for their sacrifice. I just love some of the comments in the video...quite educated if I say so myself! ;)
Posted by AshlandFive at 4:10 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Free Flowers!
FTD® Good Neighbor Day® 2008
Friendship & Goodwill
FTD Good Neighbor Day The 14th Annual FTD® Good Neighbor Day® holiday will take place on Wednesday, September 3, 2008. Hundreds of FTD florists across the U.S. and Canada are planning exciting local events, gathering sponsors, making philanthropic relationships and helping to spread friendship and kindness to their neighbors through the distribution of free floral bouquets. Find a participating FTD Good Neighbor Day florist from the list below!
Gift of Flowers
FTD florists have celebrated FTD® Good Neighbor Day® since 1994, encouraging all neighbors to help create a friendlier, more caring and compassionate world through the gift of flowers. That's why customers are encouraged to keep one flower for themselves and give the others away — brightening the day of many other people.
Participating FTD Florists
This year, be a good neighbor and visit a local participating FTD florist. Pick up a free bouquet — and celebrate FTD® Good Neighbor Day® by sharing flowers with your community!
I thought I would let some of you in on this little fun thing. Those of you that live in Newberg, or surrounding areas if you call the florist listed below...on Sept. 3rd, you can pick up a bouquet of flowers and doll one out to each of your neighbors! It's a good way to get to know people around you that you haven't met yet.
215 Villa Rd.
Newberg, OR 97132
(503) 538-4311 (800) 606-5075
Posted by AshlandFive at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Posted by AshlandFive at 9:59 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Book Club Entry #2
I just finished a new book, and it was really, really good. Thought I'd share it with you all. It is fiction, but really in the end exemplified the sacrifice that the Lord has made for each and every one of us, and how quickly we are to be skeptical of His grace. It warmed my heart so many times, and reminded me of the times I have gone astray, yet how quickly the Lord picked me right back up!
Anyway, it's available at the Library, because I just returned it. ;) I hope my blog fans...hahaha...are not getting bored of me reviewing books. I just am loving reading! You'd think I had never picked up a book before; but seriously, I haven't really read anything but the Bible in years, (thanks to children). I also liked this author because she said that 7 years ago she vowed never to write anything that didn't glorify God. I thought that was pretty cool. Anyway, that's my review for this time, catch you next time on "Laura's Book Club" ;)
Posted by AshlandFive at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I just had to share this really funny set of the many sides of Carmel. Such a ham! I call her my little wierdo, I know, not that endearing of a term; but she really is such a different character from the rest of us. She runs on her own batteries, that's for sure. She gives us life that we otherwise wouldn't have!
Posted by AshlandFive at 10:15 AM 7 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
What Do You Do Now?
Recently, the Lord has been speaking to me through circumstances in my own life, and the lives of others, about death. It's been very weird, sparked first by the sudden passing of my own father, and then in the passing of Stephen Curtis Chapman's daughter and now Greg Laurie's son. All the books I have been reading, that just happened in my lap have been about death and tragedy.
So, needless to say, I have been thinking a lot about death and what it means to me, and my fears related to it. I almost never want to think about it. Not that I fear going to heaven...just the way that I might end up there. I know that it is a fear that, in my mind is totally unfounded, but in my heart...I feel anyway. I have been struggling with it for the past couple of months, trying to give it away to the Lord.
He really has been doing a work in me. Teaching me to trust in His ultimate sovereignty and love. I know that He has a time for me here on Earth, and that no matter how long I live, even if it's 80 years, will be ultimately short. I have always had this feeling that I am young, and through High School, felt like time just dragged on. But, now that I have hit the 30's, I can't believe how quickly those years flashed before my eyes.
My job, during what time I have here, is to give my life as a living sacrifice to the Lord. I now realize that it is that which will quell my fear. If I live my life for the Lord, as unto the Lord, using the days as if each were my last, then I will have peace in knowing when it's time to go, I'll be ready.
All, that to say, I just listened to Jon Courson's teaching at Harvest Christian Fellowship down in California after Christopher Laurie's passing. It was very touching, and helped me to bring all that the Lord has been showing me to light in a really awesome way. I know I will never be immune from pain, I know I will never be immune from tragedy; because of sin, it's inevitable to us all. But, I can be immune to the doubt and fear that tries to creep in after something like that happens. I hope you watch the video and are touched in a great way!
Jon's Teaching
Posted by AshlandFive at 10:15 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
I love reading! I had forgotten this age-old art after I had my first child 7 years ago. ;) But, since my littlest is now 3, I have decided to kill my TV and go back to expanding my mind the old fashioned way...with words! I found this great website for Christian Fiction reviews. I have really been enjoying a few books, and I'll share some with you when I finish!
Posted by AshlandFive at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Ok, so I am almost finished reading The Shack. I at first thought it was a true story, because of the forward...but after doing some searching on the author's blog, I have realized that it is a work of fiction. It's a funny thing, I have heard some differing opinions on this book, but for myself, I was intrigued. I don't really agree with the way that He chooses to portray God in the book, but I definitely get the feeling that it's not the way the author thinks about God.
So, all to say...it's a thought provoking book that I feel has caused me to think more about my own response to tragedy and God's kindness in it. If any of you have read it, I'd be interested to hear your opinion. We tend to be sceptical of anything that comes along; it's good at times, and yet can be detrimental to God speaking to us in different ways. It's important to check everything through the sieve of the Word, and to ask for wisdom in everything we do. That's been my stance in reading this book. So, I am recommending this book...but do your searching first. I don't want you to come back and be offended! ;)
Posted by AshlandFive at 3:54 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Kids Camp!
So, here's some pics that I took this morning before Kids Camp! Moriah took her friend Acacia with her. I hope they have a blast. They were already enjoying themselves on the bus. I stayed to watch it go off, and was amazed at all the staff who lovingly take care of 90+ kids. What treasures they have stored up in heaven! I'll share some of the kid's eye pics when and if I get my camera back from camp. ;)
Posted by AshlandFive at 11:07 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
For The Love of Camping
So, here's some pics of the first camping trip of the season. You know, you gotta work all the bugs out, get the children used to it....break 'em in. Let's start with the first 100 degree weekend of the year, and top that off with an outrageous thunderstorm with real lightning folks!
Ok, so it really wasn't THAT bad. But, it was pretty scary. There were some trees that were knocked over, and LOTS of wind and lightning. Luckily, most of the kids slept right through it, while all the grown ups were contemplating moving the tents to the middle of the field to get out from under the trees. Most of the guys were like, "Were gonna be fine!" I was pretty much the only girl up. I think the rest of them trusted their men-folk. What does that say about me? Well, I trust my man...but were usually better as a team. ;)
So, needless to say we were fine. Although it bent my brand new Quikshade. But, my stuff always breaks...it's not a surprise. It was hotter than blazes though, so that made it a little hard to have a ton of fun. Everything was work. Now, if I only had a boat...then my life would be complete, right? ;)
The kids had fun, and I absolutely loved the worship night amongst the warm wind and thunderous lightning. It was indeed powerful. Next trip is rafting. Sure to be a little cooler, and a lot of fun. Thanks to all the families that braved the heat...some of you who came for the first time camping ever! We'll keep the tradition alive for sure. Now, if one of you could just buy that boat...it'd be great. ;)
Posted by AshlandFive at 6:32 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Attention Crafters!
Hi all my crafty friends! I thought I'd share this coupon I found, good only for TODAY. That's right, get to Michael's and use it on whatever you've been waiting for! You have a long weekend...so let's see some projects!
Michaels 50% off one regular priced item.
Posted by AshlandFive at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day Dad...
Some of you know the recent events that have gone on in my life in the past few weeks...and some don't. My Dad passed away not too long ago. It was a terrible ordeal, and as I've told many of you, I kept asking myself; "Where's the grown-up that's supposed to take care of all this?"
I was it. I was grown up, I guess. But, it still is painful just the same as if you were a kid! I loved my Dad, even though we had our fair share of tough times together. Just before all this happened, he came and stayed with us for a week and a half. The kids were able to spend time with him, probably more than they ever had. I truly treasure those memories, and I pray that he is with the Lord, enjoying heaven.
This has been extremely hard, but I am made so aware of the shortness of life. He taught me during this time, that when you step away from Him...even 2 inches, it allows the enemy to come in and snatch your joy. I learned that I don't want to allow any footholds for the enemy to sneak in and whisper doubts to me. I know who I am in Christ. I know He has saved me, and is the only way to heaven.
Anyway, I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day, even though I don't have an earthly Father anymore. Today was a little sad, but I have joy, knowing that all things work for good for those who are called according to His purpose! Hope all of you had a wonderful Father's Day. Don't forget to call Dad and say hi. Always share how much the Lord loves him...even if he doesn't want to hear it. You'll never regret that you did.
Love you Dad, give Jesus a big hug for me, k? --Laura
Posted by AshlandFive at 8:39 PM 5 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Prayers For Steven Curtis Chapman
I just heard today that Steven Curtis Chapman's littlest daughter was struck by the family car and later died at the hospital. There is a little YouTube video to go on and meet this little girl, and to find out what an amazing family they are: Maria Sue Chapman. I was so touched by this today, because I just thought, "What if that was my daughter? What would my faith be like. Would I lose it?" Today in Wives in Prayer, we prayed this for Steven as the man of his house...you can say it along with me as you read:
Psalm 147:3, Lord, we call upon Your name, to be the lifter of Steven's head, heart and soul. We ask that You would heal Steven when he is feeling broken-hearted and we ask that You would bind up his wounds (curing his pain and his sorrows) as only You can. We ask for a spirit of relief to come to Steven and that You would encourage his heart today.
Psalm 119:169, God we pray that Steven will let his mournful cry and supplication come before You, O Lord; give him understanding (discernment and comprehension) according to Your Word (of assurance and promise) that You are with him and will not forsake him. Show him what to do and how to handle this. We pray Your great comfort to minister to his deepest needs and we thank You that weeping may endure at night, but Your joy will come in the morning. Give Steven hope in his sorrow and in his pain. May the joy of the Lord be his strength and carry him through.
Psalm 86:3-5, Lord, please be merciful and gracious to Steven, for You hear his heart's cry. We pray that You would make Steven your servant, to rejoice, O Lord, for You are the One that can lift him up. For You, O Lord, are good, and ready to forgive (our trespasses, sending them away, letting them go completely, and forever); and You are abundant in mercy and loving-kindness to all those who call upon You. May Steven be surrounded by Your abundant mercy and loving-kindness and sense Your nearness in his time of need. Thank You dear Jesus for being moved with compassion for Steven and that You care for him affectionately, in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
(Wives in Prayer by Tami Chelew)
Posted by AshlandFive at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A friend sent me this video. It is pretty inspiring and amazing. It is so cool how the Lord shows us He is real and true!
Posted by AshlandFive at 6:35 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ag Fest '08
This weekend we had the joy of having my friend Kristal's kids here again. We decided to take the six to Ag Fest in Salem. It was a lot of fun...but tiring! I am typing this with a brain full of mush, because I went to bed waaay too late and woke up waaay too early. ;) What's my problem? Do I not learn the elementary science equation: no sleep + being a mom= EXHAUSTION!!!???
Anyway, we had a really good time looking at all the animals, watching a sheep get sheared, eating a "down home" breakfast (thumbs down), and just generally enjoying the sunshine while trying really hard not to lose someone.
It's always really great having the kids get together. They are all the same age, and it's neat to see them together when they aren't fighting. What is it about kids that they see each other for only a few days after not seeing each other for months, and all it takes is a matter of minutes to start a fight? I don't get it. I guess that's what comes along with being 30 and learning a thing or two. Hee-hee.
Enjoy some pics of our day! Love y'all! (Excuse the cowboy language, too many hours amongst the farm folk! ;)
Posted by AshlandFive at 5:16 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
So, here's some funny pics from today:
Daddy helping Momo with homework while Jadon sits on his shoulders.
Posted by AshlandFive at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Following The Trend...
2 teaspoons olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces *see cook's note
1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 (4-ounce) can diced green chiles
1/3 cup prepared salsa, mild, medium or hot
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves
4 (8-inch) flour tortillas
1 1/3 cups shredded Monterey jack and or Cheddar
*Cook's note: this is enough chicken to make this meal and another meal. If you are only making this meal, use 1 pound chicken.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and saute 2 minutes. Add chicken and saute 5 minutes, until golden brown and cooked through. Remove half of the chicken and reserve for another use.
Stir in black beans, green chiles, and salsa and simmer 5 minutes, until sauce thickens and reduces. Remove from heat and stir in cilantro.
Arrange 4 tortillas on a flat surface. Top each tortilla with an equal amount of chicken mixture. Roll up tortillas and place side by side in a shallow baking dish. Top tortillas with shredded cheese (1/3 cup per tortilla).
Bake enchiladas 15 minutes, until cheese is golden and gooey!
Copyright, 2006, Robin Miller, All rights reserved
Posted by AshlandFive at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Need Some New Threads?
Ok Girls, so I've had a couple of comments lately on my attire. So, I thought I'd share my dirty little secrets. I shop at the Buffalo! Wanna know what that is? Well, then join me and just a few other girlfriends...TBD, but soon. We are going to hit downtown Buffalo and see what kind of things we can find! It's a chain of consignment stores, that only accept in trend, very gently used clothing. I don't have a lot of mullah to spend clothing myself, but I like to look like I care.
So, make sure you let me know if you want to come along, and I'll let you know when the Buffalo van can pick you up! :) Also, I found a great site that carries designer jeans for a fraction of the price. They pick up random sets when they can find them, so sizes and selection is limited. But, I picked up a great little number for only $17.95!
Check this site out for some really inexpensive cute stuff: Heavenly Couture . Some styles are too junior for me to pull of, but you can search around. When you look through the jeans...they aren't all designer. Some aren't that cute, but if you search and check back often, you just may find a gem! I also do Ebay for specific styles of jeans...namely Seven For All Mankind, Blue Cult, MissMe, and Hudson, to name a few. You have to be careful you don't get fakes, but with some careful study, and observation on who you are buying from it shouldn't be a problem.
So, anyway...thought I'd let you in on some secrets. And, if you come on the Buffalo day, make sure you round up all of your clothes that you don't wear, don't fit, or just don't like anymore. It needs to be in good condition, and not out of style, or they won't take it. They give you cash on the spot for it. So, even if you don't have a lot of $$ to shop with, you can trade in some things to update your wardrobe!
I usually hit the Buffalo Exchange in Eugene...for some reason Eugene gals are really hip. But, I am hoping that P-Town BE won't disappoint! Hope you'll come along!
Posted by AshlandFive at 10:24 PM 0 comments
The Church of Oprah
So, a friend of mine sent me this important piece of information that I really think we stay at home moms should be aware of. I know many of you don't watch Oprah, but I do, and have noticed a steady decline in what shows I can watch. I turn it off unless she has Dr. Oz on, or an interesting story in which I'd like to know more. She had a great story on either Thursday or Friday about the girls that had mistakenly been mixed up and one family thought their daughter was dead when she was really alive in the hospital with the other family.
Anyway, not to get sidetracked! I am really going to pray and seek the Lord...he might just want me to shut her down completely. But, for many of you on the fence about her, I thought I'd give you a little insight into what she truly believes and the sad place she is turning many Christians. I also just wanted to share with y'all this verse:
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.
Be in prayer that those in our families and those in our church body will not fall away and be drawn away by the teaching of the enemy. I know that he is trying so hard to get his claws in those that are living in the gray. As Brett likes to say: "It's not about what can I get away with and still make it to heaven. It's about how radical can I be." How much garbage can we get rid of on our way to heaven? We're not perfect, but we need to follow what 1 Thessalonians 5:14 also tells us:
And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Posted by AshlandFive at 5:30 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ch-ch-check it out!
It's the launch of my Paint The Word blog! Check it out, you can click on the link under my favorite sites just to the right where you see the link for Paint The Word. I had some fun creating a new art piece, because I wanted to get a little more creative! I will also post some of the verses I have already done, and if any of you would like to spruce up your home for Spring...give me a buzz!
Posted by AshlandFive at 11:23 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I Love You Grandma!
I love my Grandma. I know you all do, but I just had to tell you a little about her. She just got home from the hospital a couple of weeks ago, and is adjusting to life with some help. She is 92 years old and has been living on her own for 30+ years! I think she just stopped mowing her own lawn just a few short years ago.
Anyway, she has had some health problems as of late, and it's been very tough. I not only have been feeling my age, but also that our Grandparents...and she's only 1 of 3 I have left, are getting older too. I know that all of this is part of life, but it sure is sad and hard.
I just wanted to tell you what a strong woman she is. Her husband died when she was not too much older than I am now. She raised her two sons, one of which is my dad, and the other my Uncle. She used to come to our house every week and clean, do all our laundry, and change all of our beds. So, yes I was a spoiled little kid. I can't believe I ever whined about doing chores! Except, my parents did make us pick up dog poo...which for 3 American Bulldogs, my allowance should have been like $100! ;)
She is a total blessing to me. We have rarely missed a Thanksgiving at her house. Now that I have kids, and cousins have some kids...it's pretty interesting. Thanks to my Aunt and Uncle who every year force a "new and interesting" present upon my Grandma. One year was a toaster oven, new chair, VCR, cable, and now this year a DVD player. My Grandma never really wanted any of it, but I tell ya, it makes life a little easier! Because of my Grandma, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I just know I will cry so hard when the torch gets passed.
As we got older, and moved away, she still made it a point to come up and see us here in Portland. As it's gotten harder for her to travel, we need to make a concerted effort to go to her. She has done so much for us, and it's a sad thing that you never show appreciation until you've hit some semblance of maturity...which for me took a bit! But, I am so grateful, so blessed, and so in awe of the strength that she exudes.
I love you Grandma, Great-Grandma, and now a Great-Great Grandma! My life would not be what it is without your love, at 13 tough, now at 30 gentle and sweet. You mean the world to me. I can't wait to see you soon.
Posted by AshlandFive at 2:40 PM 2 comments
He is Risen...He is Risen Indeed!
We had such a great time with our friends The Hildreths (Ty, Shana, Ean and Evan) and The Eglis (Greg, Sherry, Brooklyn, and Ben). It was such a great day after Kutless and burgers, then a quick break to Starbucks, and then home again to cook up some yummy dinner. I seriously don't think I was even hungry once that day!
I truly believe...as I sat there stuffing my face and rocking out to Kutless on the bleachers, that it was a glimpse into life in heaven. I was surrounded by all my church fam, rocking out to some of the best Jesus music around, and stuffing my face full of meat! Ok, did I just gross you out on that last part? Sorry to all you vegetarians who are like, "No, that's not how it will be in heaven! Maybe a fried eggplant or two!" Anyway, it was really truly a blessing.
Thanks to our friends who came over and had some great fellowship and shared a great meal with us. Sherry tried to make us all explode internally, (what is it with me and the gross descriptors), with her super deliciously rich chocolate cake. Oh man. It was neat making the resurrection rolls with the kids, although trying to get through Bible verses to explain what you are doing with this sugar laden dessert is a bit rough with 7 kids licking their chops! It was great though. I earned a greater respect for the Illinois Valley thanks to Greg...ask him about it sometime. ;) And, you can always count on Ty and Shana for some serious laughs!
So, if you get a call from me in the near future here...it's because I really feel a calling to come together as a church body and make time in our busy lives for each other. I know it's hard...believe me, three kids don't make it easy. But, it takes just a little effort, and making time to see to it that we encourage, build up, and love on one another. So, who wants to come over for dinner? I'm takin' reservations!

Posted by AshlandFive at 1:25 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Girl's Weekend!
So a couple of weekends ago, my friend Kristal and I got to go on a girl's weekend courtesy of Taylor's last remaining Hilton Honors points. He was so nice to let us use all of them to stay in Eugene for the weekend. Now I know many of you are thinking "Eugene? What a weird place to have a girl's weekend!" Seriously, it's fun. We don't do anything special. We hang out in our hotel room, then go to dinner, catch the...darn now it's $1.50 movies. The next day you can find us in my very favorite store the Buffalo Exchange, some fun lunch, back to the hotel to relax for a catnap, then off to a nice dinner, and maybe a little more shopping! Sunday we were able to go to a Calvary Church in Eugene. My friend Christina Parker and her family go there, and it is such a warm church so full of the Lord!
I was so thankful to my wonderful husband for letting me get away. Time always flies when you are having fun! I again get to go away with some girls for my big 3-0 celebration/retreating with the Lord. I can't wait. It may sound like, by this blog that all I want to do is get away. Some days, yes. With my 6,4, and 2 year old, life has been so hectic lately. I have found that every so often if I catch my breath...it helps all involved. :) Keeps a smile on my face, ya know?
But, I do enjoy being here too. Tonight was nice with the kids. They all took a late nap, because today was too nice to pass up going outside! We got some pizza, cooked some yummy choco chip cookies that Jessie made. By the way Jessie, YUM-O! And, watched the 10 commandments. It was nice to just hang out with them today.
So, sorry for blabbing. I am a psycho and it's almost 3am. What am I doing? Well, I am a self-confessed night owl...and I have a problem. ;) I am sure I will read this again someday at a normal hour of the day and ask myself what I was thinking, and why I was going on and on. But for right now, it seems completely normal! tee-hee Well, hope to see most of you tomorrow morning at the Easter Rain-a-bration! If you notice some extra dark bags around the old eyeballs...now you know why. Peace!
Posted by AshlandFive at 2:30 AM 4 comments