Here are two more books that I just finished. Both get a "5" from me!

This one was so funny, real, and totally relateable! It's about a SAHM who yearns for something more in her life. To be used in a mighty and tangible way by God. She spends moments imagining herself as great heroes in history, but then snaps back to the real life she lives with her three kids, failures to rise to the top of women's leadership at church, and her husband who just lost his job. It all comes crashing down on her, and she doesn't understand why God isn't using her talent to do "Big Things" for Him. It's about her journey to find what God really wants from her, and her many intimate, and sometimes embarrassing road to get there. I think many of you Moms who are tired of the usual, put on your plastic smile and go to church like everything is peachy all the time attitude, may love the reality and truth of what our lives look like as the Lord tries to mold us!

This one, I finished in a day. No, it's not a short read...just shy of 300 pages; but just extremely intense. I stayed up till 3am finishing it, because there was no good place to stop. It begins with a story of a pastor of a MegaChurch who is on a couple's cruise to "stoke the fire of your relationship!" Sound like many of the big show churches popping up today? It has many turns and twists, and profiles so many different lives in this story that you are never bored. The pastor in the end comes to a realization about his life and how he has used it for the Lord, was it all just for show? I can't tell you much about it, without giving away crucial plot info; but I can tell you that last night after I read this I sat and prayed for a long time to the Lord to examine my own life, and He directly spoke to me out of the Word...what we will be studying on Wednesday!!! Matthew 25. The book, if you choose to read it, follows right along to the same message in this chapter.
It caused me to really evaluate how I live my life, and that time is not to be wasted. I loved this story. So well written, so true, and so encouraging to me to constantly be aware of my own walk with Him. "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Philippians 2:12.
Hope to see many of you tonight at the bbq! I am really looking forward to some burgers, fellowship, and worship! Yaaa!
Ok, so I am going to comment on this book entry and pretend I read! Acutally I am just going to give you my email address:)
Laura, I love to read your reviews! I never know what to pick up and am always nervous about "Christian Novels" because they can seem cheesy or pointless (if it's not really a true testimony how is it edifying?) Now I want to read both of these!
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