Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So, this is my theme for 2008! I am excited to see what God's plans are for our little family this year. January is almost done. I am glad for that. I love P-land, but you know, I can only take so much gray. It's like being pregnant. You forget the pain and agony you went through at labor, and say, "Let's do it again!" Well, living here is like that. For about 4-5 months we have great, dare to say nearly perfect weather. I almost forget the dreary, cold, dark days of winter. Then, about mid-February it hits me...I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! ;) Just kidding. I do pray for a sunny day though. We didn't even get enough snow to play in. Just to keep the kids home for a day.

I guess that's it for my exciting January. Nothing really new or special to report. Although I am excited and in prayer about a retreat that I am going to be doing in April. If you haven't received an invite...please email me. I think it's going to be a really great time to relax and connect and enjoy what the Lord is doing in some pretty amazing women. I send blessings out to all my friends and fam. Thanks for all y'all did for us over Christmas. You'll never know how it touched our lives. Peace out!