This weekend I was certified as a Crossfit Level 1 Trainer! The weekend was choc full of information that I will be going over and over to ingrain it in my brain. But, here are some quick highlights that I came away with, and thought I would share for anyone interested.
-Basics of Crossfit: This is really a revolutionary thought process towards fitness and general health. It's not just another fad, another exercise program, or a diet. It is a Rx for taking yourself from sickness to health. Let me ask you a question. Are you satisfied with your current level of health and ability? If not consider trying Crossfit out. Even just once. If it doesn't revolutionize your way of thinking, go back to your old way.
-What the heck does it do: It's not a cult, it's not full of glitz and glamour, it's not about that beach bod (although you just may find yourself fitting in your old bikini (-: ). It's about the fact that we all want to avoid the nursing homes, we all want to live our lives and be able to move and thrive all the way to the end. Right?! That's the goal of Crossfit. To provide functional movements (movements that are natural and organic) that are varied (all different types and challenge the body) at high-intensity (meaning you are making your body work at maximum capacity). Doesn't that sound like something you'd like your body to be able to do? Next time your friend asks you to grab the other end of a couch and haul it down to the moving van, wouldn't you like to say, "Heck yeah!"? Right now, if there was something on the floor that weighed 225lbs, I could pick it myself. I couldn't do that 8 months ago. So, in theory, if I had a dude come over, the house caught fire, I could haul him out. Doesn't that just sound rad?
One last thing before I digress. I'm not here to push my agenda on anyone, or change anyone's mind on fitness and nutrition. But, I do know that there is more to life than what we think we knew about the way we've been doing things. Since the 70's we've had a problem with a rising obese and out of shape nation. The food pyramid was created to combat that, by the government, and with little research to go on. We know now that that food pyramid did nothing but push us further into now a growing epidemic of obese and sedentary people. I want to see that change, and I want to see people thrive and be healthy way into the twilight years! We only get one body people, and one life. Let's use it and treat it well!!
I am posting a video about understanding insulin and how it reacts in our body. A little bit of info on nutrition for you. If you have any questions at all, email me! I'd love to help you. Even if you can't make it to Crossfit, there are plenty of things that you can do on your own to change your life!
God Bless you, and help you keep up on this temple He's given us.
Ok sorry, can't load the vid for some reason, but if you are interested click here and go to the post for Apr 5, 2010 and click down where it says "Insulin and Body Weight".
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