Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Book Club Entry #2

I just finished a new book, and it was really, really good. Thought I'd share it with you all. It is fiction, but really in the end exemplified the sacrifice that the Lord has made for each and every one of us, and how quickly we are to be skeptical of His grace. It warmed my heart so many times, and reminded me of the times I have gone astray, yet how quickly the Lord picked me right back up!

Anyway, it's available at the Library, because I just returned it. ;) I hope my blog fans...hahaha...are not getting bored of me reviewing books. I just am loving reading! You'd think I had never picked up a book before; but seriously, I haven't really read anything but the Bible in years, (thanks to children). I also liked this author because she said that 7 years ago she vowed never to write anything that didn't glorify God. I thought that was pretty cool. Anyway, that's my review for this time, catch you next time on "Laura's Book Club" ;)


Jessica Rae said...

What?! I want to join "Laura's Book Club"! I too have little time to read anything but the bible, though I love a good NOVEL...not a "Christian self help book" but a good fiction novel. I tend to stick to older traditional authors such as Jane Austen and Mark Twain since I know I won't be disappointed. So many modern novels are too full of junk. And I will often not bother finishing a book I start if it's not making me feel...positive. My time and "inner-self" are too valuable! So keep the recommendations coming!