Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Nation

While I was doing my best today to pray and be peaceful about the outcome that I was sure, politically was about to be; I still felt a bit of dread and apprehension as to where this country is headed. I saw this today, and I thought it summed up what I need to meditate on until the Lord comes back. Even as I see our country's morals start to slide, I need to remember to pray that the Lord sees His children, and protects our country.

1. We TRUST in the God appoints rulers and leaders over us.

No election takes God by surprise. He puts leaders over us. He is in control. He appoints rulers and kings. God is sovereign and his good purposes will not be thwarted.

2. We PRAY for those who rule over us.

The Apostle Paul’s instruction to us to pray for our leaders is not based on the worthiness of the leader. After all, he was speaking of an empire that sometimes persecuted Christians. No… prayer for our leaders is church-focused. We pray that the Church will have the freedom to be the Church - to witness to the Savior who is coming again.

3. We TESTIFY to the world that God has appointed Jesus as Messiah and Lord over all.

The climax of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost and the startling message of the gospel is that Jesus of Nazareth, crucified for our sins and raised for our justification, is the true Lord of the world. Presidents come and go. Empires rise and fall. Kings and rulers and earthly authorities will pass away. But Jesus Christ is the everlasting King.

Jesus is not elected “king” - at least not by us. God the Father has elected him, has appointed him King of the world and is now calling out a people to live under his reign.

Many evangelicals are wringing their hands about this election, worried about the outcome, scared of what might be in the near future. But if we truly believe what we say we believe - that Jesus Christ is Lord and over all earthly authorities - then the kingship of our Christ is not in question, the sovereignty of our God is not under threat, and our highest loyalty to the kingdom of God is not up for grabs.

Our mission stays the same:

Trust in our sovereign God.

Pray for our earthly leaders.

Testify to the world’s true King.


lundbergfamily said...

SO true Laura! I have had that same feeling of dread, for the past few weeks, as it was becoming more clear that Obama would take it. Man, it is just scary to see where this nation is headed. But thanks for pointing out the importance of remembering the Lord is still in control and is sovereign. And hey, why aren't we on your blog list??:)

The Biles said...

Thanks for this L. I'm going to pass it along. Tam